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Warm Bones - Flash Fiction

Brent Streeter

The icy gales whipped and howled, pelting me with snow and ice while I desperately clung to the travelling cloak I wore. Even that small task was a daunting one as the winds threatened to rip it from my body. I glanced up ahead of me and saw the beginnings of a mighty peak rising from between snowy hillocks and pine trees that had frosted over.

I’m getting close, I thought to myself as I repositioned the bag at my side and took another step forward.

I continued to place one foot in front of the other for hours, and I could feel the cold seep into my tired and aching bones despite the best efforts of the furs beneath my cloak. I shivered and cursed under my breath. Had I known I would face a blizzard, I might have prepared the spells and components to deal with it.

The mountain offered little in comfort and protection as I ascended it, taking a path carved through the heavy mounds of snow that blanketed the mountain. Eventually, my destination came into sight as I crested a bend and saw the entrance to the cave I sought.

I ducked inside and took a moment of respite and I tried to catch my breath and rub some warmth back into my bones. I shook flecks of snow from my shaggy salt–and-peppered hair and tied it back up, now that I no longer needed the layer of protection for my ears.

Still shivering and unable to chase the cold out, I turned my attention back to the task at hand and walked deeper into the cave, throwing up globules of light into the air ahead of me for better visibility.

The tunnel wormed its way through the mountain, opening out into several smaller caves before finally reaching its end. I could tell I had reached my destination by the shimmering sheen that bounced off bright blue glacial walls, creating a kaleidoscope of colours that danced around the enormous cavern that opened up but a few yards ahead of me.

As I neared the cavern entrance, I drank in the sight of splendour, from wall to wall as far as I could see was an ocean of treasures and relics gathered from throughout the ages.

I stepped across the threshold of the entrance and had got only a few inches when a bellowing roar echoed across the length of the cavern. The horde of treasure shook and pieces of it shifted and tumbled to find rest amongst the other brethren.

I held my ground, one hand hovering over my spell book while the other lowered the bag from its purchase atop my shoulder.

There was a great gust of wind as a gargantuan dragon launched into the air and, with a couple of heavy beats of its leathery wings, traversed the distance between us.

It landed before me with a force that shook the very foundations of the mountain and looked down upon me with pale blue eyes from a dizzying height. Its silver scales gleamed and glinted as they caught the reflections of the surrounding treasure horde. A beautiful frill of silver that faded to purple ran the length of its body, starting at the top of its head and ending at its tail. The creature was the epitome of regality, and I could not help but bow before its presence in awe and admiration.

It spoke with a deep, guttural voice that sounded like mountains colliding.

“You’re late Brin Storm-watcher.”

“My apologies Uvnun, Lord of Silver. I ran out of chalk and could not teleport so I was forced to take the long way round and got caught in a blizzard”

Uvnun bellowed in laughter, and the cavern shook.

“In all my centuries, I have never met a wizard such as you, Brin. It’s not wise to leave a dragon waiting.”

“I’ll make a note of it,” I said as I opened the bag at my feet and placed my hand within.

“What’s this you bring, a new bauble or two?” Uvnun asked with the curiosity of a cat.

I smiled warmly. The dragon’s fascination with treasure never ceased to amaze me. It was such a trivial resource.

“Something like that,” I said as I pulled out a gold-leafed spellbook that was stained red with blood. I held it out before Uvnun.

“I need you to take care of this for me. It’s my anchor.”

The dragon studied the small spellbook in my hand and then me.

“You look somewhat different, Brin Storm-watcher. Did you convince that stubborn Ebony Tower of your plan?”

I smirked.

“I did indeed. I now stand before you, the new Archlich of the Ebony Tower. The Archmagi, Thallaser Druy herself, gave the final vote. I will be the shield that the tower so desperately needs in the years to come.”

Uvnun nodded in approval.

“They were right to choose you. I will take care of the book, but you must promise to visit more often Brin. I do miss the companionship that you humans experience.”

Uvnun huffed as he noticed the cold hearth.

“Come, let us retire and you can fill me in on all that’s happened over the past century. I’ll have those blasted creatures that are convinced I’m a god start the hearth and you can warm those bones by the fire while sharing all the gossip you have gathered. What say you?”

“I say that sounds like a grand idea indeed.”



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©2022 by Brent Streeter

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